Commuters in Kolkata were a harassed lot for the second consecutive day Tuesday with transport operators saying they will not ply buses until passenger fares are hiked by the West Bengal Government.

Operators have been demanding a fare hike following the upward revision in diesel rates .

The strike, operators said, would “continue indefinitely” even though the State Transport Minister warned of stringent action against the errant operators.

With no sign of reconciliation, commuters will face more inconvenience in the coming days.

Nearly 28,000 private buses operating under two major umbrella organisations — the Bengal Bus Syndicate and the Joint Council of Bus Syndicate — remained off the roads on Tuesday. Most of the 30,000-odd bus-owners across the State are members of these two syndicates.

Talks attempt fails

Attempts by the State Government to bring striking operators to the discussion table failed as the operators have stuck fast to their fare hike stand.

“Although we are not in favour of harassing the common man, we are left with no other option but to continue with the protest. We will meet the minister only after a promise of revision in fares,” Tapan Banerjee, Joint Secretary of the Joint Council of Bus Syndicate said.

West Bengal saw last bus fare revision in July 2010. According to Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) sources, diesel prices have shot up by more than 34 per cent (nearly Rs 13 a litre) since February, 2010

Meanwhile, State Transport Minister Madan Mitra warned of harsh steps if bus services were not resumed soon. According to him, the State Government was mulling steps to take back route permits of these operators.

“We are open for discussions with the operators. But route permits will be taken back if they continue with this strike,” Mitra told reporters at the Writers’ Building (State Secretariat).