EEPC India, the apex body of engineering goods exporters, has urged the Union Government to initiate steps for direct shipping services between India and Latin America. It feels that the potential for promoting trade with countries such as Colombia, Chile, Brazil and Argentina cannot be exploited fully in the absence of such services. At present, the route to Latin America is via Europe and it takes at least 70 days for Indian exports to reach Colombia, for example. The direct service, if introduced, will not only reduce the transit time but also freight cost. EEPC India has particularly appealed to the government to prevail upon the Shipping Corporation of India to launch a Latin American Express Service, a container service on the lines of similar services being operated by the public sector shipping company for Europe, the Mediterranean, Far East, West Asia and East Africa.

Reefer vessels see falling trend

Are the days of full-fledged specialised reefer ships over? So it seems, if the current trend is any indication. The newbuilding order for reefer vessels is now virtually zero and the charter rates too are showing a downward trend. In 2010, the reefer sector, as the research report suggests, lost 10 per cent in charter rates and, despite the higher rate forecast for 2011, it continues to be a downhill journey. The global reefer fleet now stands at 691 vessels and, with scrapping to continue and no newbuilding, it could dwindle to less than 200 within four years, allowing container ships to have a greater market share of perishables.

Kottayam port to start operations

Reports have it that Kottayam Port & Container Terminal, claimed to be the first of its kind ICD (inland container depot) having connectivity both by road and inland waterways, is to commence operations shortly. It is being launched by the Kerala Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (KINFRA), the State-owned promotional agency, in partnership with private players, including South India Chamber of Commerce and Industry, by way of public-private partnerships. The ICD, it is felt, will boost traffic, particularly by the IWT mode, benefiting exporters of Kerala's central districts — Kottayam, Idukki and Pathanamthitta. According to one estimate, the number of exporters in these districts is about 1,500 and the cargo inducement adequate. The ultimate objective is to provide cargo support to Vallarpadam international container transshipment terminal that is starving for want of traffic. The ICD company will pick up empty containers from the nominated yards at Cochin, send them to Kottayam and transport loaded containers to Cochin port.

High-level events for S'pore airshow

The 2012 Singapore Airshow, which will be held from February 14 to 19, will integrate high-level conferences and business forums that aim to chart the way forward by tackling the challenges facing the aviation industry. These include conferences such as the Singapore Airshow Aviation Leadership Summit (Saals) and the Asia Pacific Security Conference (Apsec). The theme for Saals (Feb 12-13) is ‘Driving Change, Overcoming Challenges Together'. Meanwhile, Apsec (Feb 12-13) will gather senior executives from the aerospace and defence industries to study strategic issues shaping peace and security across the globe. In addition, organiser Experia Events is also bringing back Business Forums (February 15-16), which will provide both visitors and exhibitors insights into purchasing trends and strategies for major markets such as China, India and South-east Asia. To be held at the Changi Exhibition Centre, the Airshow — which will centre around the theme ‘Building Businesses' — will be attended by industry players as well as thought leaders from the government, the military and academia.