Dubai-based Emirates Airlines is keen on operating more flights into India, saying the move will result in direct as well as indirect benefits for the country. The expansion, if approved, could be through both higher seat allocation and additional points of service.


In a presentation here on Monday, Will Lofberg, Senior Manager, Public and Environment Affairs, said allowing Emirates to operate 80,000 seats a week into India or carry 6.16 million passengers annually would lead to a direct contribution to the Indian economy of $363 million and have a multiplier effect of $720 million.

The economic impact assessment has been brought out in a study Emirates in India: Assessment of economic impact and regional benefits . The study has been conducted by the National Council of Applied Economic Research and sponsored by Emirates .

Similarly, allowing Emirates to operate 60,000 seats a week would allow it to carry 5.03 million passengers annually and directly contribute $296 million to the Indian economy with a multiplier impact of $644 million.

Defends study

At the moment, the airline is allowed to operate 54,200 seats a week into India. The airline points out that since 2008, it has not been allowed to increase the number of seats offered between India and Dubai.

Emirates officials felt there was nothing wrong in sponsoring the study.

During the presentation, it was stated that Emirates’ India operations carried 45 per cent of passengers between 10 Indian cities and Dubai. The remaining 55 per cent of passenger traffic was carried between Indian airports and points beyond Dubai.

Indian carriers are said to be opposed to allowing any more rights to international carriers to operate more flights into India. They argue that foreign airlines carry passengers not only to their home country but also to third countries from their home base.
