Logistics park: Shri Kailash to commission part of second phase before end of 2013

V. Sajeev Kumar Updated - November 25, 2017 at 12:52 AM.

S. Giridhar, MD, Shri Kailash Logistics.

Shri Kailash Logistics Ltd (SKLL), which commissioned the first phase of its logistics park at Oragadam near Chennai, is fast implementing the second phase.

Having already acquired the land for the expansion of the logistics park, SKLL has now taken up the construction of the second phase, S. Giridhar, Managing Director, SKLL, said.

He told

Business Line after the AGM in Kochi that a portion of the second phase, measuring 2 lakh sq.ft. for warehousing, is scheduled to be commissioned before the end of 2013 . The company expects to have a total warehousing space of 12 lakh sq.ft. at Oragadam by the end of 2013.

Auto company interested

A leading multinational automobile company has shown interest in the facilities available at the park and discussions in this regard are going on. Logistics is not mere warehousing business. Even ancillary units, which import materials to make products indigenously for automobiles , are finding a place inside the park, he said.

After successfully commissioning phase-I of the Chennai-Oragadam logistics park, he said SKLL now plans to replicate this model of warehousing facility in North Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Salem, Kochi, Pune and Coimbatore.

The company has already identified land for the proposed North Chennai and Bangalore projects, which are likely to be commissioned in the next two years, he added.

Phase-I, comprising three warehouses and a commercial complex (with an aggregate capacity of around 3.3 lakh sq. f.t), was set up at a cost of Rs 81 crore. The warehouses have been rented out to MNCs on a long-term lease.

On the operational front, notwithstanding a volatile macro-economic environment, SKLL put up a creditable performance in fiscal 2012. The company achieved a gross revenue of Rs 30 crore (Rs 24 crore the previous year), registering a growth of 23 per cent.

The profit before tax clocked a quantum jump of 132 per cent to Rs 1.64 crore, while profit after tax leapt 205 per cent from Rs 0.48 crore to Rs 1.47 crore.

Published on October 3, 2012 15:39