The Hyderabad Metro Rail project will be executed with the least inconvenience to people and without much disruption of traffic, Mr Vivek B. Gadgil, Chief Executive of L&T Metro Rail, said.

A comprehensive study has been completed for traffic flow management and trained marshals deployed to assist traffic flow during the construction phase to be spread over five years.

Addressing a press conference, Mr Gadgil said the work on all the three corridors would be taken up simultaneously as the right of way for the project is clear, barring some small stretches and land acquisition has also been completed.

“You will see work on pillars and piers simultaneously at several parts of the city. We expect to complete the project within five years in phases. The Government has handed land for terminal stations and depots and is in the process of acquiring land for 66 stations,” he said.


Mr Gadgil said the Metro project has been conceived and developed under the AP Tramways Act. These is no problem with this approach. The elevated rail network will have a top speed of 80 km per hour and manage an average speed of 38-40 km per hour as the three corridors are faced with curves, he said.

Asked about some of the cases pending before the High Court, Mr Gadgil said they were now under consideration. One does not have any control over public interest litigations that come up and filed by aggrieved people. “The Andhra Pradesh Government will take them up,” he said.

“As far as L&T and Government are concerned, we have finalised the alignment across all the three routes. Alignment is finalised after an extensive study and feasibility assessment. It cannot be handled arbitrarily,” he explained.
