The Mormugao Port Trust (MPT), Goa, is eyeing containerised cargo and bulk importers/exporters located in the hinterland of North Karnataka and South Maharashtra.

According to Mr P Mara Pandiyan, Chairman, Mormugao Port Trust, all these years the port trust was being extensively used by big companies such as Indalco for alumina and Sree Renuka Sugars for both export of sugar and import of coal.

The port trust, to tap containerised cargo, is planning to run containerised freight train between Belgaum's Inland Container Depo (ICD) operated by Container Corporation of India Ltd (Concor) and located near Desur to Vasco and then to Mormugao Port by partnering with Concor.

Containerised freight train, when operationalised, will help many small and medium companies located in North Karnataka and South Maharashtra.

“Mormugao port predominantly handles bulk cargoes such as iron ore, coal, coke and fertilisers. The port is well-equipped with mechanical ore handling complex having the capacity of loading 12 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) iron ore, two general cargo berth having handling capacity of two mtpa,” Mr N Vaiyapuri, traffic manager, Mormugao Port, told Business Line .

Capacity augmentaton

Talking about the facilities created to tap more traffic, Mr Vaiyapuri said the port also handles iron ore mid-stream with trans-shippers in the anchorage and at three mooring dolphins. The port has a deep draft channel at -14.4 m, alongside draft of -14.1m at berth No 9 and is capable of accommodating cape-size vessels.

Over the last three years, many steps have been taken to augment port capacity /modernise the port. To cope up with growing demand of cargo traffic in recent years, various port development projects have been taken up such as development of import coal terminal at berth No 7 west-of-breakwater (wob) iron ore terminal mechanisation of coal handling facility at berth No 11, construction of cruise berths on mole, said Mr Vaiyapuri.

To make aware of various facilities created by them and also to highlight the benefits of using the port by the potential importers /exporters/port users of North Karnataka and South Maharashtra, the Mormugao Port Trust is holding a trade meet at Belgaum.

The trade meet is jointly organised by Mormugao Port Trust, Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Belgaum and Karnatak Chamber of Commerce and Industry.