Members of Indian Pilots' Guild (IPG) said on Friday that they were moving back to Mumbai from Delhi.

They said that neither Air India's management nor the Aviation Ministry had shown any interest in meeting IPG or resolving the dispute that led to the pilots' strike.

“Respecting the sentiments of the Supreme Court, the Indian Pilots' Guild core committee was in the national Capital for the past six days, sending messages of openness and availability to hold talks with officials of management and ministry. However, neither the management nor any official of the Ministry have responded to any conciliatory gestures or efforts of the IPG to resolve the situation amicably,” IPG said in a statement on Friday.

Meanwhile, international operations of Air India continued to be affected for the 11th day on Friday. The losses for the ailing airline mounted to Rs 200 crore as the impasse between agitating pilots and the management remained unresolved.

The pilots, owing allegiance to IPG, have demanded exclusive flying rights on Boeing 787 aircraft, payment of arrears from 2007 onwards, travel on first class when not working, and the right to be promoted as commanders within six years.