American Airlines Cargo has taken a step forward in the digitalisation of its cargo operations by deploying IBS Software’s latest iPartner Customer (iPC) solution to allow seamless, fast integration with leading digital marketplace WebCargo, a Freightos Group company. IBS Software’s vision for iPC is to help carriers leverage a flexible and scalable platform with what a company spokesman described as a unique capability to integrate digital sales channels. This design philosophy has enabled the entire lifecycle of integration between American Airlines Cargo and Freights to be achieved in a matter of weeks.

Enabling airline digitisation

The iPartner solutions was developed with a vision to enable airlines to digitise integration capabilities with suppliers and partners and leverage the digitalisation boom in the industry to achieve tangible business benefits like better customer engagement, faster sales cycles and reduced operational costs, the spokesman added.

The iPartner Customer platform is equipped with APIs that allow faster integration of airline cargo sales and distribution offerings. It allows American Airlines Cargo to take advantage of business opportunities provided by WebCargo, ultimately delivering enhanced reach to a wider customer base. iPC’s real-time data exchange will empower the operator to define and better control its distribution strategy by providing critical features like smart filtering and configurable business rules.

Enhanced booking experience

Roger Samways, Vice-President-Commercial, American Airlines Cargo said working with IBS Software on the integration with WebCargo has helped the company provide customers with enhanced digital booking experiences and access to real-time rates and capacity that WebCargo offers, as well as expand reach to new customers. “We’re excited to continue our partnership with IBS Software and tap into their experience and expertise as we both aim to drive growth in the air cargo sector through digitalisation.”

Ashok Rajan, Head of Cargo & Logistics Solutions at IBS Software, said modernising the air cargo industry through digital technology is critical to its continued growth, and American Airlines Cargo is a trailblazer. “We are thrilled to further our partnership with them with this exciting new venture as they continue their journey to transform the service and experience they provide customers.”