The Karnataka Government has been urged to take up dredging near Old Mangalore Port.

Speaking at the ‘Samudra Pooja’ programme at Tannirbavi beach near Mangalore, J.R. Lobo, MLA of Mangalore (South), said several fishing boats had met with accidents in the area in the past several years.

He suggested that the government commission a dredging machine permanently for coastal Karnataka.

He thanked the government for the budget announcements on setting up a fisheries harbour at Kulai near New Mangalore.

The Karnataka Minister for Ports, Baburao Chinchanasur, said the government will consider the problems of fishermen related to dredging near Old Mangalore Port.

He assured the meeting that all the pending works related to ports in the State would be completed during his tenure.

A Bill for setting up a Maritime Board in Karnataka is before the President for his assent, he said. A maritime board will help boost maritime infrastructure in the State.

Members belonging to the Mangalore Elu Patna Mogaveera Samyukta Sabha organised the ‘Samudra Pooja’ (sea worship) at Tannirbavi on Tuesday.