India has not joined the ‘One Belt One Road’ initiative yet, but speaking at an International Road Federation (IRF) summit, China Highway and Transportation Society (CHTS) has proposed establishing a “non-political, non-government” initiative, Belt and Road International Transport Alliance (BRITA).

“To promote and implement the ‘belt and road’ initiative worldwide, the CHTS has proposed to establish the BRITA, which will promote the idea and achievements among the member countries and regions of the initiative,” said Mengyong Weng, President, CHTS. He was speaking at the World Road Meeting organised in India by the Geneva-based IRF, which works for better and safer roads worldwide.

“BRITA will help ward off fears that the belt and road initiative will be detrimental to stability and create one big family of countries en route the Silk Road,” said Weng. “The belt and road initiative will not only focus on Asian, European and African countries, but will also be open to all other countries,” said Weng, adding that China would contribute $14.5 billion to the Silk Road fund.