Experts at a seminar highlighted the objectives of the new national logistics policy and its impact on industries.  

N. Sivasailam, former Special Secretary (Logistics) and Pradeep Panicker President & Chief Executive Officer of GMR International Airport Ltd discussed the New National Logistics Policy 2022 in the seminar organised by The Cochin Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

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The New National Logistic policy will be implemented through a Comprehensive Logistics Action Plan (CLAP).

Sivasailam emphasized making Cochin port a gateway to India, where he mentioned the port’s economic advantage over Colombo Port’s trans-shipment cost. He clarified the objectives of policy and the integration of businesses with blockchain technology. The new logistic policy aims to cut the cost of logistics below 10 per cent and focuses on integration, modernization and standardization.

Panicker highlighted the factors affecting logistics in India and mentioned the target to be achieved by logistics sector by 2030, where he stressed cutting logistics costs to global practices of 8 per cent. He also highlighted that the logistic sector will facilitate a 10 per cent decrease in indirect logistics costs leading to a growth of 5-8 per cent in exports.

There was a panel discussion moderated by K. Harikumar, the immediate past president of the Cochin Chamber.  The clarification of investment and logistic infrastructure was discussed with respect to Cochin Port and the meeting concluded with the measures and plans to develop business in the State and for further improvement of GDP in export and import from current state of 10 per cent.

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