Delhi has been adjudged as the worlds’ best airport in the 25-40 million passengers category.

In a statement, the airport has said that the Airport Service Quality (ASQ) award given by the Airports Council International (ACI) for 2014 shows that the airport has been judged number 1.

Passenger feedback

The ACI ASQ Survey has captured passengers’ immediate appraisal from check-in through departure at the gate at more than 300 airports worldwide before short-listing Delhi.

Delhi airport is run by a joint venture consortium – Delhi International Airport Limited – which is headed by the GMR Group. The other members of the consortium include Airports Authority of India, Frankfurt Airport and Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad.

The project being developed by DIAL under Public Private Partnership, which has been given the mandate to finance, design, build, operate and maintain the Delhi Airport for 30 years with an option to extend it by another 30 years. DIAL was awarded the contract to modernise the airport in 2006.