Cargo handling at Gateway Terminals India, one of the private terminals of the Jawaharlal Nehru Port, is likely to be hit as a section of its employees have decided go on an indefinite strike from Monday next week.

The strike was called by Prakalpa Sangarsh Samiti demanding reinstatement of three employees terminated by GTI.

According to GTI, the employees were found guilty of misconduct, leaving quay cranes un-parked and docked vessels without hatch-covers. The action was taken against them only after an independent enquiry, GTI said in statement.

Work at the terminal was affected earlier in May when the internal union went on a flash strike. This led to congestion at the port, forcing shipping lines to impose surcharge.

GTI, one of the three container terminals at JN port, is a joint venture between APM Terminals and the Container Corporation of India. It accounts for nearly 45 per cent of the cargo handled by the port.

The port working had also suffered earlier this year due to strike by project-affected people demanding speedy allocation of land earmarked for them.

All the terminals at the JN port are working beyond their installed capacity and any incident affecting their working could lead to congestion.

JN Port handles 50 per cent of country’s container traffic.