Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) has signed a contract for 42 Su-30 MKI frontline fighter aircraft with the Ministry of Defence and Russian firm Rosoboronexport in New Delhi.

“HAL’s total responsibility for this supersonic multi-role aircraft has now gone up to 222. This will further boost our confidence and operations as we have already delivered 119 Su-30 aircraft to the Indian Air Force. We will continue to contribute to the country’s defence preparedness,” said R.K. Tyagi, Chairman, HAL.

The deal was inked by Tyagi on behalf of HAL with the Ministry of Defence. S. Subramanyan, Managing Director of HAL’s MiG Complex, signed the contract with A.A. Mikheev, Deputy General Director of Rosobornexport.

About 157 Indian vendors are involved in providing 13,350 components of the aircraft while another 19,450 components are manufactured at HAL’s Nashik and Koraput Divisions, explained Tyagi.

The Su-30 MKI project provides platform to indigenous manufacturing and technical competence creating hundreds of direct and indirect jobs. HAL’s hand-holding with private entrepreneurs has also ensured creation of strong infrastructure and quality avionics products.

Su-30 MKI is a two-seater, highly manoeuvrable, supersonic, multi-role aircraft for day and night operations in all weather conditions. The aircraft is fitted with two turbojet AL-31FP engines and is equipped with avionics from Russian, Western and indigenous sources.

The project has enabled HAL to master technologies of aircraft building and absorb new technologies in manufacturing areas like machining, forming, welding, assembly, testing and aircraft system checks.

The aircraft airframes are made at Nashik, engines at Koraput, accessories at Hyderabad (communication and navigation), hydraulic, pneumatic and fuel aggregates and instruments at Lucknow and avionic displays and INGPS at Korwa.

Overhauling and repairs of Su-30 MKI have already commenced in the dedicated lines set up at Nashik.
