The Indian Commercial Pilots Association has appealed to the agitating cockpit crew to return to work and asked the management to take steps to resolve the pending demands, including payment of allowances.

“As ICPA, we are trying to contain the situation and are requesting the pilots to fly,” ICPA spokesperson told PTI.

“But we feel that the management should ensure that unstressed pilots sit in the cockpit to fly an aircraft safely,” he said, indicating that the demands of the striking pilots should be met.

The pilots maintain that they are facing a serious financial crunch as they have not been paid their flying allowances which constitute about 80 per cent of their total salary. The payments have not been made since last August.

ICPA has say in the management but feels urgent steps should be taken to resolve the situation at the earliest.

Air India employees are disappointed with the government for “dragging its feet” on the revival of Air India. 12 Air India pilots reported sick today which led to the cancellation of eight flights.

ICPA is not a part of the strike but is keen that the demands of the pilots are looked into sympathetically.