Attempts are on to resume direct flights between India and Romania, Radu Octavian Dobre, Charge D'Affaires & Acting Ambassador of the Embassy of Romania in India, said here on Tuesday.

According to Dobre, the Delhi-Bucharest route is likely to be resumed "soon". Services will be through a "private operator".

The Ambassador, however, did not name the operator or the timeframe within which such services could be resumed.

"We are in talks to resume direct services between Delhi and Bucharest, but this time through a private operator. However, we cannot name the operator or the timeframe," he told mediapersons on the sidelines of an event organised by the Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

Direct flights between Delhi and Bucharest were withdrawn some seven years ago following a slowdown in the aviation sector.

He further added that attempts will also be made to connect Bucharest to other parts of India too in the coming days.

Trade growth

According to Dobre, the bilateral trade between the two nations stood at $ 0.7 billion (as on 2014).

"There is potential to grow bilateral trade between the two nations by 10 times to $ 7 billion," he added.