An Air India Express aircraft (flight number IX385) flying from Kozhikode to Dammam was diverted to Thiruvananthapuram due to suspected tail-hit and hydraulic failure. The aircraft made a safe landing at 12.15 pm before dumping its fuel over the Laccadive Sea, South-West of Nagercoil.

Aircrafts use ‘fuel dumping’ (or a fuel jettison) technique in emergencies to reduce weight ahead of executing an unscheduled landing at an intended destination.

Full emergency declared

At 12.02 pm, an airport spokesman said a ‘local standby’ alert was upgraded into ‘full emergency’ at Thiruvananthapuram as the Boeing 737 aircraft, registered as VT-AYA and sporting a callsign AXB385, hovered at a height of less than 2,500 ft and made its final approach to the international airport.

The Ellora-Ajanta Caves-liveried aircraft with 168 passengers on board had left Kozhikode at 9.45 am. After a suspected tail-hit on take-off, it radioed the Thiruvananthapuram airport for an emergency landing. Its arrival was initially scheduled at 11.03 am but was rescheduled to 12.15 pm.

Air India Express clarifies

Meanwhile, a spokesperson for Air India Express confirmed Flight IX 385 on Kozhikode-Dammam route was diverted to Thiruvananthapuram due to suspected tail strike while taking off from Kozhikode airport. The aircraft made normal safe landing at Thiruvananthapuram at 12.15 pm and passengers deplaned.

“We are making arrangements to send the passengers to Dammam by an alternate flight which is scheduled to take off from Thiruvananthapuram at 4 pm. The airline staff are attending to all the requirements of the passengers at Thiruvananthapuram,” the spokesman added.