Kochi Metro Rail has invited students from schools in Ernakulam district to participate in the logo design of the project. “Since Kochi Metro is a project of the people of Kochi, we have decided that the opportunity to design its logo should go to the people,” said Mr Tom Jose, Managing Director of Kochi Metro, here.

School students aged between 10-18 can participate in the competition by drawing an innovative logo or emblem for the Metro. The scanned copy should be e-mailed to logodesing@kochimetro.org. They can also post their submissions to Kochi Metro Rail Ltd, Kochi. The winner would get a cash prize of Rs 5,000 and a certificate.

The entries would be judged by a panel of eminent personalities that would select the logo that seems most representative of the Kochi Metro. The last date of submission of entries is November 15.