It’s the sort of buzz that is rarely seen, even for a new aircraft. Well before the Boeing 787, popularly known as the Dreamliner, takes off on its first commercial flight for Air India, many want to reschedule plans just to fly on it.

From senior government officials to flyers from Lucknow, all are ready to rework their schedules so they can fly on the Dreamliner.

What’s so special about this aircraft? Apart from being the newest and the latest aircraft, in terms of the technology used, the Dreamliner has many other features to make the time on board comfortable. It has the largest windows among commercial aircraft and a quieter cabin.

Passengers will feel less jet lagged, particularly after long-haul flights, as the cabin is pressurised to 6,000 feet instead of 8,000 feet, as on all other aircraft.

Special features

Its USP is that it is made of composite material, which not only reduces its weight but also allows the aircraft’s frame to withstand greater pressure at higher altitudes. It is also equipped with a gaseous air purification system which, along with the reduced cabin pressure, means that a passenger arrives feeling fresher.

No wonder, then, that Air India, which has ordered 27 Dreamliners and inducted the first into its fleet, is promising a new travel experience.

The second aircraft is likely to be inducted in the next few days. The airline will get seven aircraft by March next year.

The Dreamliner’s first commercial flight will be on September 19, on Delhi to Chennai and Bangalore sectors.

A soft international launch to Dubai is also expected. Air India Chairman and Managing Director Rohit Nandan said the aircraft would fly to six or seven cities within the country.

International routes

Come December, the aircraft will also be used on Air India’s long-haul international routes, starting with Melbourne and Sydney.

The aircraft can fly non-stop for 13 hours, which means Australia, Africa and most of Europe will be well within reach of Air India’s Dreamliner.
