Mr Rohit Nandan took over as the third chairman of Air India in as many years. Shortly after taking over here on Friday, Mr Nandan said his first priority would be to work on the airline's turnaround plan and cut its financial losses. “My other priority will be to raise employee morale at all levels. The third priority will be to upgrade service quality to match up to expectations. It is too early for me to give any timeline,” Mr Nandan said.

Before taking charge at Air India, Mr Nandan, a 1982 IAS officer from Uttar Pradesh, was a Joint Secretary to the Ministry of Civil Aviation.

Meanwhile, the Government has expedited the process of appointing two more independent directors on the AI board.

The post of independent directors fell vacant after Mr Anand Mahindra and Dr Amit Mitra resigned.

Former Air Chief, Fali Major, and industrialist, Mr Harsh Neotia, will continue to function as independent directors.