Aviation regulator DGCA on Thursday said that no time frame has been set for the debt—ridden Kingfisher Airlines to submit its comprehensive revival plan.

Director General of Civil Aviation, Arun Mishra said the proposal will be examined in all aspects before taking decision on revoking its license.

“They (Kingfisher) said they will submit the revival plan. There is no time frame for that. Whenever they are ready they can come. We have not got any indication from them when they are going to come to us,” Mishra said on the sidelines of ACI Asia—Pacific Small Airport seminar.

The DGCA had suspended Kingfisher’s Scheduled Operators Permit (SOP) on October 19 till further orders after a lockout and its failure to come up with a viable plan of financial and operational revival.

DGCA had said Kingfisher had failed to run a “safe, efficient and reliable operations.”

The SOP suspension came after a lockout by the management on October 1 following an impasse with its employees who struck work from September 30 demanding payment of overdue salaries.

The lockout was lifted on October 25.

The ailing airline has indicated that they are in talks with investors until those takes are finalised they will have to run the airlines with their internal resources, the DGCA said.