Over 45,000 jobs will be on offer for seafarers through several memorandum of understandings that will be signed during the Maritime India Summit scheduled between March 2 to 4.

Informing this, Amitabh Kumar, Director General - Shipping, said in a conference that they have received many requests for signing MoUs and offers to set up maritime institutes in India.

Shipping Secretary Sanjeev Ranjan said the Ministry had prepared a compendium of a bunch of 400 investible projects, requiring a total investment of over ₹2 lakh crore during the summit.

Higher engagement level

Due to Covid-19, though the summit is being held virtually, the engagement level is higher, said Ranjan.

The summit is facilitating the signing of 370 MoUs with prospective partners.

The maritime summit, which has seen over one lakh registrations, will also see over 370 memorandum of understandings.

Some 44 CEOs have confirmed participation, including 22 national and 22 international CEOS. Also, 79 speakers have confirmed their participation, where 43 are international speakers, and 36 are from India.

India plans to import two more cranes from a port near Venice for developing Chahbahar Port, said Sanjay Bandopadhyaya, Additional Secretary, Shipping Ministry.

Speakers are participants from the USA, Russia, Denmark, Brazil, Japan, Sweden, Singapore, Netherlands, among others.