Rail Wheel Factory (RWF) for the first-four months (April – July) of financial year 2019-20 had shown an increase in dispatch of products by 58 per cent (wheels), 46 per cent (axle units) and 85 per cent (wheel-sets) for the first-four months (April – July) of financial year 2019-20 as compared with the same period of last year.

In the year 2018-19, RWF had manufactured 1,31,131 wheels, 71,001 axles units and 40,136 wheel-sets thereby meeting the target set by the Railway Board.

According to Ajay Kumar Singh, General Manager, RWF, the company has achieved record in sale of wheel-sets to non-railway customers to the tune of Rs 100.16 crore. Also, the company has been awarded as best performing production unit of Indian Railways on Environment Management by the Railway Board.