Railway Minister Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu has announced a plan outlay of Rs 1,00,011 crore for 2015-16, an increase of 52 per cent over the last year.

Of this, the Railways will receive Rs 40,000 crore from the Union Budget and internally generate Rs 17,793 crore. Market borrowing would constitute Rs 17,655 crore, while the Railway’s share of diesel cess is Rs 1,646 crore. 

Also on the anvil is a new form of resource generation named EBR (Institutional Finance) (or extra budgetary resources — institutional finance) wherein funds to the tune of Rs 17,136 crore would be raised through institutional investments in the Railways/ public sector undertakings.

Finally, the public-private participation route would bring in Rs 5,781 crore to the plan outlay.