Nearly 14 lakh railway workers will go on an indefinite strike from November 23 if the Centre goes ahead with various amendments of labour laws and large scale privatisation of the Indian Railways, according to N Kanniah, Working President, All India Railway Federation (AIRF).

The Centre failed to hold purposeful negotiation with leaders of Central Trade Unions and remove the apprehension of amendment of labour laws and large scale privatisation of Indian Railways and other public sector undertakings, said Kanniah while addressing members of the Southern Railway Mazdoor Union (SRMU).

The union members went on a one-hour strike at the premises of Southern Railways’ General Manager in Chennai to support the all-India strike by ten unions, said a press release issued by SRMU, a part of AIRF.

The unions are demanding removal of ceiling on bonus, opposition against Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and privatisation in Railways and implementation of the Seventh Central Pay Commission with effect from January 1, 2014.