Mumbai International Airport has initiated the demolition of 20 uninhabited and dilapidated buildings at Air India colony as part of its comprehensive redevelopment plan, the airline said on Wednesday.

The housing colonies form part of airport land and built on land parcels licensed to Air India and Indian Airlines. In 2022, MIAL had issued a notice to the airline asking it to vacate land, which is not core to its operations. Employees had moved the court against eviction and on Wednesday too they tried to stop the bulldozers from carrying out demolitions.

MIAL said the demolition is being carried out in strict adherence to the law and in accordance with the permission and handover granted by AI Asset Holding Company. 

“At present, no demolition steps have been undertaken for the remaining 80+ buildings within the colony which are currently occupied. Due process of law by filing eviction applications under the Airport Authority of India Act are being followed for the same. MIAL remains committed to upholding the law and is dedicated to ensuring a smooth and efficient functioning of the airport. Considering Mumbai airport is a land constrained aviation asset, this redevelopment initiative is a crucial step in the airport’s ongoing efforts to contribute to the expansion and improvement of existing passenger facilities, thus fostering the growth and progress of Mumbai,” it said in a statement.