The Mumbai-based Pratibha Shipping may have to spend nearly Rs 40 crore for salvage operations as well as to foot the hotel and hospital bills of the crew of its beached vessel, Pratibha Cauvery, along the Chennai coast, according to a company official.

Over the last four days, the area has turned into a picnic spot for Chennaiites, as it is a first-time experience for many to see such a large vessel at close range.

The ship is at present located about 3 nautical miles south of the Chennai port, and is beached near the lighthouse. It has been four days since strong winds from cyclone Nilam pushed the small oil tanker from the Chennai port’s anchor to the shores of the Marina.

Sourcing funds

The company is making arrangements to immediately secure Rs 20-25 crore to pay the hotel and hospital bills for the crew; compensation for the six crew members who died and wage bills for the other crew members, said an official who is not authorised to speak to the media. The 31 members of the crew have been put up in various hotels across the city, he said.

The company has also approached some banks for funding, and has sought an advance payment from insurance companies. The official said the ship’s hull is insured with New India Assurance. The company has appointed a lawyer to take up the case before the Madras High Court, he said. On the salvage operations, which is likely to take up the maximum share of the cost, a tug, Malaviya, is already at the Chennai port .

The company has engaged Smit Salvage of Singapore to carry out the salvage operations. Smit is one of the world’s largest salvage companies offering marine emergency services.

The stranded vessel had 3.5 tonnes of diesel oil and 357 tonnes of furnace oil. The tanker, which finally ran aground off Besant Nagar’s Elliott’s beach, had 37 crew members on board. The ship’s captain asked his crew to leave the ship with a lifeboat carrying 22 sailors. Within minutes, the boat capsized.
