Long-term steps needed to tackle drought, says Maharashtra Governor

Press trust of India Updated - May 04, 2012 at 07:27 PM.

The Maharashtra Governor, Mr K. Sankaranarayanan, today stressed the need for taking long-term measures to tackle the recurring drought and increase water availability in the State.

“There are hundreds of major, medium and minor irrigation projects that are awaiting completion. We need at least Rs 75,000 crore to complete these projects. There is a need to consult experts and prioritise the ongoing projects,” he maintained.

The Governor was speaking after inaugurating a two-day symposium, ‘Maharashtra — Past, Present and Future,' organised here to mark the birth centenary of Maharashtra's first Chief Minister, Mr Y. B. Chavan.

According to the Governor, while Maharashtra can certainly take pride in its improving Human Development Indices, the State cannot afford to remain complacent.

Published on May 4, 2012 13:57