While commending the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, for exercising considerable restraint after the Mumbai terror attacks, a leading US daily has said that learning from past mistakes India should work towards perfecting its intelligence and counter-terror efforts.

“Indians are angry and asking why their Government did not ensure their safety. Indian officials say they have made significant security reforms but it may never be possible to stop all terrorist attacks. That is true, but New Delhi still must learn from this experience and keep trying to perfect its intelligence and counterterrorism efforts,” the New York Times said in a lead editorial.

“After the 2008 attacks, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh warned that his country would retaliate if hit again. We applaud his continued restraint and urge both sides to think hard about the horrifying cost of a war,” the daily said.

Referring to the July 13 bomb blasts in Mumbai, the paper said: “Indian citizens deserve answers to their many legitimate questions. So far, Indian officials seem to be reacting in a measured and responsible way.”

“Pakistani leaders condemned the bombings. But words are cheap. They need to work with their Indian counterparts to find whoever is responsible. If Pakistanis were behind this latest horror, Islamabad must ensure that they are brought to justice this time,” the daily said.

Noting that Pakistani officials previously acknowledged that the 2008 attacks were partly planned on their soil, it said instead of cooperating with India’s investigation, they insisted on handling the case themselves.

“Pakistan has four suspects in custody, but the trial is moving too slowly to be considered credible. Pakistani courts are notorious for acquitting most terrorism suspects,” it said.

With the US President, Mr Barack Obama, offering American investigative help to India, The NYT said: “He and his advisers also need to be having blunt conversations with Pakistan about the cost of any more foot-dragging.”