‘Right innovation can mean big money in business'

Our bureau Updated - March 10, 2011 at 10:54 PM.

“More companies are looking for ways to privatise their information, so private clouds might be popular soon.”

Ms B. Aparna Reddy, Regional Managar-HR (South), Sify Technologies Ltd, speaks at Narsimha Reddy Engineering College.

In the realm of information technology (IT), a new decade has just started, and experts are already scrambling to go forward with developing newer technology that can be effectively applied to industries such as business.

The right innovation can mean big money for any business. Some trends may transform the industry entirely, so here are some things to keep your eyes on, said Ms B. Aparna Reddy, Regional Manager-HR (South), Sify Technologies Ltd, Hyderabad.

Contemporary technology is always changing and new developments are constantly improving in data management, data quality, Web service applications and software, she explained to students of Narasimha Reddy Engineering College, Dhulapally while delivering the BL Club lecture series, sponsored by Tata Photon +.

The new technologies include software-as-a-service (SaaS), a mode of software delivery that provides maintenance, daily operation and software support through Web-based servers and browsers. Other hot trends include Java technology, service-oriented architecture advancements and the promise and foundation within Microsoft Window's .NET framework for Web services, she pointed out.

Cloud computing

One big and fast growing area is private cloud computing. Clouds have been around for years now, with the possibility of improving the variability of their infrastructure while adequately providing fast computing and storage. Chief Information Officers (CIOs), however, are concerned with information leaking outside their business' firewalls. More companies are looking for ways to privatise their information, so private clouds might be popular soon.

Mobile technology is everywhere. Consumers foresee more possibilities of unprecedented access to information at people's fingertips, along with overcoming support, management, and security challenges associated with mobile technology. Companies are even making more affordable yet powerful tablet computers and smartphones for a wider audience, Ms Aparna Reddy said.

With the explosion of social media, people these days want Web sites and services to be suited to their personal tastes. This puts the pressure on IT professionals to provide an engaging experience for audiences everywhere. Many businesses seek innovative ways in giving users a more personalised experience.

Businesses all over the world have to deal with constant threats to their infrastructure. Recent innovations such as social networking, cloud computing, and mobile technology revolutionised the world of interconnectivity, but also increased risks associated with privacy and protection.

Published on March 10, 2011 17:24