Highly impressed by China’s growth and achievements in the field of clean energy, top US Senator Harry Reid has said the United States must step up its efforts on renewable energy to compete with the communist nation.

“China isn’t investing heavily in clean energy just because it’s good for the environment. It’s doing it because it’s good for their economy,” Mr Reid, who has just returned from China leading a delegation of nine-Senators, told reporters at a news conference.

“They are investing aggressively in clean energy, because it helps them become a more secure nation through energy independence, helps them develop and diversify their economy, while reducing pollution, and creates lots of jobs.

That’s what’s it all about in the United States,” the Senate Majority Leader said.

“We need to make sure that we understand that we’re not the only one trying to diversify our economy and lessen our dependence on foreign oil. They’re actually doing a lot more in many respects than we are, and that’s an understatement,” the Senator said.

With its vast renewable energy resources, the United States “can’t afford not to be a globally competitive leader in this important area,” Mr Reid said.

America should be an unparalleled leader in clean energy technology, given its resources and knowhow, he said on his return from China, his first in 25 years.

“I hope that we as a country and China can work together to reduce our reliance on oil from unfriendly countries and work together to make both states stronger and more competitive with the rest of the world and in the process create jobs for both of us,” he said.