For the highly qualified and talented youngsters, India is the most happening place in the world and they need not look at other countries for either job opportunities or entrepreneurial support in the prevailing scenario, said Axis Bank's Vice-President and Circle Business Manager, Mr N. Parthasarathy.

“India is now the fastest growing consumer market in the world. A year from now more cars will be sold in India than in Japan. There are indications of the country becoming a super power,” said Mr Parthsarathy, delivering The Hindu Business Line Club talk at the Montessori Mahila Kalasala here. He dwelt at length on what Indian has in store for the youngsters at a time when the country has changed from an agrarian economy and almost reached the status of a developed economy driven by boom in the services sector.

Tata Photon sponsored the talk as part of a state-wide series of Business Line club lectures.

Focusing on “Opportunities for Youth as India grows”, Mr Parthasarathy pointed out that India is in the list of BRIC countries which were poised to outsmart developed countries in various aspects. The significant growth in the services sector and its substantial contribution to the GDP were indicative of the competitive advantage enjoyed by India in the world scene now, he added.

Youngsters should focus on acquiring the right skills to benefit from the visible growth in the country and pay attention to the factors that would create a better future for them. “Reports say 75 per cent of engineering graduates are unemployable. This has to be changed. Youngsters should concentrate on both aptitude and attitude,” he said.

The Montessori Kalasala secretary and correspondent, V. Koteswaramma, said interaction with industry experts would help youngsters decide on their careers. The Hindu regional general manager, Mr K. Chandrasekharan, said the talks were a good opportunity for students to interact with experts and get to know of the prevailing situation in the industry.