India will need to produce 340 million tonnes of foodgrains by 2030 to meet the demands of the population then, said noted rice scientist EA Siddiq.

Making projections on food commodities for 2030, he said, edible oils production would be 24.7 million tonnes, vegetables 243 million tonnes, fruits 181 million and milk 200 million tonnes.

He was speaking on Food Nutrition Security and Advances in Agriculture and Horticulture Research at the 3-day international conference on agriculture and horticultural sciences, organised by OMICS Group, a publishing organisation that publishes 350 online open access science journals.

What are the challenges to meet these demands? Dr Siddiq pointed out that population growth is outpacing agricultural production, natural resource bases (water, soil health, PGR) are rapidly shrinking, large rainfed area with no technology breakthrough for higher productivity, persisting deficiency of pulses and edible oil, unfolding adverse effects of climate change, declining farm return forcing migration of rural people are some of the major ones.