Back from the global climate talks in Paris, Environment and Forest Minister Prakash Javadekar on Wednesday informed Parliament that India had been able to “secure” its interests and those of the developing countries.

“The Paris Agreement meets out broad expectations,” Javadekar said in a statement tabled in both the Houses, adding that the conference outcome “represents a forward march for the global community in the fight against climate change involving all countries.”

Javadekar, who had led an inter-Ministerial delegation to the Conference of Parties in Paris recently, said India “has been a strong advocate of the principle of “differentiation” and operationalisaton of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities in the climate change regime”, adding that the agreement “explicitly recognises that the principles of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities”.

The Paris Agreement, which seeks to contain the increase in global average temperature to well below 2 degree Celsius, also saw the launch of the International Solar Alliance and Mission Innovation to step up investments and research in clean energy technologies, he added.