The Competition Commission of India (CCI) is now getting on an average ten mergers and acquisition (M&A) cases for approval every month, its Chairman Ashok Chawla has said.

This was nearly double the earlier average of four-to-five cases every month and a clear pointer to vibrancy in economic activity in the country, Chawla said while delivering a lecture on ‘competition law and its journey so far’.

This lecture was organised by the Bureau of Parliamentary Studies and Training and attended by Members of Parliament.

Since June 2011 when the M&A provisions in the Competition Law began to be enforced, the CCI has received 271 cases, of which about 253 cases were cleared.

On an average, CCI has taken 20 days to clear a M&A proposal even though the law allows the CCI a window of 210 days to process the M&A application.

If the CCI does not respond within 210 days, the application is deemed to have been approved.