Former ISRO Chairman, Mr G. Madhavan Nair, today said he would file an appeal under RTI by tomorrow seeking the reasons for blacklisting him from Government jobs even as he reposed faith in the Prime Minister, Mr Manmohan Singh, to revoke his ban order.

“I will file the appeal today or tomorrow (before the Central Information Commission),” he told PTI here.

The Department of Space last week declined to reveal to him the specific recommendations and reasons for banning him from Government jobs for his role in the controversial Antrix-Devas deal, and the factors taken into consideration.

The DoS cited Section 8 (1) (h) of the RTI, for not providing this required information, saying further enquiry is likely and divulging those details would impede the investigation.

Asked about the Prime Minister not replying to his letter written soon after the ban order, Mr Nair said his guess was that Mr Singh would probably have asked the DoS to seek the opinion of the Law Ministry in the matter.

Noting that the Law Ministry’s advice was known last week, he said, “Logically, it (the advice) may be presented to him and he (the Prime Minister) might take a decision on the matter. That’s what I expect.”

The Ministry has told the DoS to allow the four ISRO scientists “post decisional opportunity” to place their stand on its move debarring them from occupying any Government position in future in the aftermath of the Antrix-Devas deal.

In an opinion to the DoS, the Ministry has also said no further probe into the deal is required and that there was no need for a charge-sheet at this stage.