Madhya Pradesh has maximum area covered under forest among all the other states in the country, an RTI query has revealed.

According to the latest India State of Forest Report 2011, a total of 77,700 km (11.24 per cent) of the total 6,90,899 km of forest land is in Madhya Pradesh, the Ministry of Environment and Forest has said, in a reply to an RTI query by ex—national council member of the BJP, Mr Omprakash Sharma.

According to the latest assessment report, 83,471 km (12.05 per cent) in the country was covered under very dense forest while 3,20,736 km (46.32 per cent) of land was under moderately dense forest and 2,87,820 km ( 41.56 per cent) was covered by open forest, the MoEF report said.

The report further indicated that Arunachal Pradesh with 67,410 km stood next to Madhya Pradesh, while Chhattisgarh stood at third position with coverage 55,870 km.