Over 20,000 Indian nationals have left Ukraine since the initial advisories were issued with the government operating 48 flights under `Operation Ganga’ that have brought back over 10,300 Indians since the war broke out in the country, according to the Ministry of External Affairs.

As many as 18 flights from Ukraine have landed in India in the last 24 hours with around 4,000 Indians on board, MEA Spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said at a press briefing on Friday.

“There are 16 flights scheduled over the next 24 hours, many of which are already enroute. Of these, 4 would be IAF C-17 flights (Bucharest, Rzeszow, Bratislava, Warsaw),” he said. Regarding points, there will be five flights each from Budapest, four from Suceava in Romania (which we mentioned yesterday), three from Rzeszow in Poland and one each from Warsaw, Bratislava (new departure point), Bucharest and Kosice in Slovakia.

“With above mentioned 16 flights, the vast majority of Indians who have crossed over from Ukraine would have returned back to India. We will continue to schedule flights to bring the remaining evacuees as well as those who are yet to leave Ukraine,” Bagchi said.

India, which already sent four tranches of humanitarian aid to Ukraine earlier, despatched two more tranches on Friday by IAF flights (Poland, Slovak, Romania). One IAF flight carried 6 tonne of material to Romania and the second carried 9-tonne material to Slovakia, the MEA said.