With the Army deciding to fully automate and streamline the recruitment process, merit and talents of candidates would come to the fore and there would also be transparency, according to Brigadier Pankaj Sinha, Deputy Director, Recruitment—Southern States.

He said candidates, after undergoing Medical and Physical Fitness tests, would be asked to take tests on computers at the fixed centres. Initially it is likely to be introduced in the technical category and consequently for all categories. The tests would be designed such that candidates could take it even if they did not have basic computer knowledge. “They just have to click the right answer. We will also provide them 15-minute training prior to the test,” he said.

There would be three computerised test centres in Tamil Nadu before this year end, he told reporters here last evening. Brig Sinha was here to inspect the Army recruitment rally currently underway in the city.

He said under the open rally system, there was no application and candidates need not pay any fees. Since there are no middlemen, candidates should be careful about touts promising to get them through, he said, adding police had been requested to keep tabs and initiate action against touts.

New regulation

Brig Sinha said the Army had introduced a new regulation, disqualifying those with tattoos from joining the army. The rule has been implemented from a medical point of view as tattooing could cause some nervous disorders. Maintaining that the Army is still a prestigious service, Brig Sinha said they had filled up all vacancies from Tamil Nadu and also absorbed people for additional vacancies from other zones.

All districts in the country were given proportional representation. Six per cent of Army recruits are from Tamil Nadu, he said, adding “we are able to get the best candidates from Tamil Nadu.”

He said awareness programmes are being organised regularly in educational institutions to motivate students to join the Army.