On his 64th birthday on Wednesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi welcomed Chinese President Xi Jinping here on the first day of his three-day India visit. The visit is billed as a significant leap forward to improve bilateral relations between the two Asian giants in these times of fast-changing power equations.

Coming on the heels of Modi’s Japan visit, India’s ‘soft power’ and diplomacy were well at work when Xi even wore a white “Modi jacket” while walking along the Sabarmati riverfront and visiting the Gandhi Ashram with the Prime Minister in the evening.

During his six-hour Gujarat visit, the Chinese President signed three memoranda of understanding (MoUs), heralding long-term cooperation and possible big-ticket investments. China, which has so far invested only ₹700 crore in Gujarat, is expected to raise it significantly in the years to come. The Gujarat Government also hosted an all-veg dinner for Xi on the upscale Sabarmati Riverfront Park, which was attended by many industrialists.

The pacts An important MoU, effective for three years, was signed between China Development Bank and the Gujarat Government’s nodal agency for investments, iNDEXTb (Industrial Extension Bureau) for investment promotion.

The Bank will encourage Chinese investments in Gujarat by extending credit to set up industrial facilities and factories at these parks. iNDEXTb will assist Chinese investors in obtaining various clearances and creating infrastructure at these parks, the first of which will be set up near Vadodara to manufacture plastics, electrical equipment and electronic goods.

“The Chinese would buy private land in the designated industrial parks,” said DJ Pandian, Additional Chief Secretary.

The second MoU seeks to establish “Sister Province” relations between Guangdong and Gujarat, covering cooperation in economy and trade, environmental protection, public policy education, health, science and technology, as also tourism and culture. The Sister Provinces will also extend mutual cooperation in sports, youth affairs, urban planning, waste water management, infrastructure, and exchange of business delegations. This MoU will be in force for five years.

The third MoU, also for five years, was signed between the cities of Guangzhou and Ahmedabad for closer cooperation between the local authorities. “Knowledge-sharing will be done through delegation visits, institutional meetings and sharing of experiences in areas of mutual interest.”

After dinner, Xi and Modi left for New Delhi.

Earlier, Gujarat Governor Om Prakash Kohli and Chief Minister Anandiben Patel received Xi and his wife at the airport. The Chinese President drove to Hotel Hyatt in the city where Modi received him.

The PM had arrived here on Tuesday, ahead of the Chinese President’s arrival.

Earlier in the day, Modi went to seek his mother’s blessings as he turned 64. He also launched some welfare schemes chalked out by the State Government on this occasion.