India is committed to the goal of achieving ‘zero tolerance' against corruption, the Finance Minister, Mr Pranab Mukherjee, said here today.

“We are committed to making progress in our fight against corruption. It is also important that other stakeholders, including the private actors and the civil society come forward in shouldering some responsibilities and contribute to the efforts of public agencies in this endeavour,” Mr Mukherjee said in his address at a conference on ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia-Pacific region here today.

Describing corruption as a “multi-faceted problem”, Mr Mukherjee said this required a “multi-faceted approach” to address it. “There has to be a framework for prevention of corruption in the public and the private domain. There has to be a legal framework recognising the act of corruption as a crime, supported by an effective enforcement machinery”, he said.

In today's globalised context of economies, Mr Mukherjee noted that effective international co-operation had become a sine-qua-non of any framework against corruption.