Primary healthcare provider NationWide today said it will open 227 new clinics across the country by the end of 2015.

“We will be opening 227 new clinics across India by the end of 2015 as we want to bring back the concept of the ’Family Doctor’,” NationWide Primary Healthcare Services Founder and CEO Santanu Chattopadhyay told PTI.

He was speaking on the sidelines of industry body FICCI’s event on ‘Sustainable Quality Healthcare’

The new clinics will be in Bangaluru, NCR Region, Pune, Hyderabad and Kolkata. This will take total number of our clinics to 250, he added.

“The new clinics will follow a hub and satellite model. The hubs are open to public while satellites are corporate clinics. They will be in a ratio of 1:4,” Chattopadhyay said.

The corporate clinics are to be funded by individual companies. While for the clinics that are open to public are to be funded by NationWide, he added.

On investments and the company plans to raise finances for the expansion of clinics open to public, Chattopadhyay said: “We have already received Rs 30 crore through private equity from the American venture capital fund, Norwest Venture Partners.”

They (NVP) are also willing to invest more as and when need arises, he added.

“The company will be investing around Rs 50 crore on these clinics. These clinics will have an area of around 1,000 sq. feet,” Chattopadhyay said.

Apart from the primary care the company’s clinics also cater to the paediatric and gynaecology segments.

“Our focus is on bridging the gap between general practitioner (GP) services and highly expensive super- specialist hospital care,” he added.