The Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, has said, "We are charting through waters which are choppy for all countries."

He further said that broadbased national consensus is needed to push economic growth, and in the present state, "narrow political views" should be eschewed.

There is a need for consensus as difficult decisions become more difficult with a coalition government, he said in Lok Sabha today.

While there are indications that prices are coming under control, the Prime Minister said there is a need to be viligant. The reduction in fiscal deficit is targeted at 5.1 per cent for next year.

Dr Manmohan Singh informed Parliament on Monday that the new railway minister will be sworn in shortly, and the Railway Minister, Mr Dinesh Trivedi's resignation will be forwarded to the President for approval. He added that he had received Mr Trivedi’s e-mail and a formal letter of resignation on Sunday night.

Stating that the Government is taking steps to tackle terrorism and the National Counter Terrorism Centre is an important step, he said States should be taken into confidence. Adequate consultations will take place on NCTC before the Chief Ministers meeting on April 16, he added. "It will be our sincere effort to resolve differences with states on manner of NCTC functioning."