The Netherlands has emerged as the third largest foreign direct investor in India during 2017-18, with investments pegged at about $2.67 billion across sectors.

The Netherlands was also the second largest destination for foreign investment by Indian companies, after Singapore, with investments worth $12.8 billion in 2017.

The Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad, and the Netherlands Business Support Office in Hyderabad jointly organised the ‘Dutch-India Dialogue on Trade & Technology’ on Wednesday in connection with the National Day celebrations of the Netherlands.

The objective of the dialogue was to strengthen business partnership between India and the Netherlands in the times of rapid technological changes.

Marten van den Berg, the Netherlands Ambassador to India said, “India and the Netherlands ties are growing stronger each day. India is a key strategic partner for the Netherlands—both economically and geopolitically.” “Our partnership can greatly contribute towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030,” he said.

V Rajanna, Senior Vice-President & Global Head, Technology Business Unit, TCS, said: “As India is blessed with a huge demographic dividend and it is important to explore global opportunities.”

During 2017-18, the bilateral trade topped $ 8.77 billion while the Indian exports to the Netherlands grew at 14.7 per cent, imports were up by 18.2 per cent.