The trade environment globally is risky at this point of time and there are many challenges both in and outside the World Trade Organisation (WTO), Roberto Azevedo, Director-General, WTO, has said. “We will try to have an open and honest conversation at the informal WTO meeting (hosted by India). Whatever comes out of the New Delhi meeting will be useful to the conversations that we will be having in Geneva to move forward on all items,” Azevedo said talking to presspersons after an interaction with Indian industry, organised by the CII on Monday.

Azevedo is in New Delhi to participate in the informal WTO ministerial meet organised by India to identify ways in which the global trade talks could be re-vitalised. The WTO DG expressed concern over the disruption of appointments at the dispute settlement body (DSB) of the WTO. “We have significant challenges before us. We have the dispute settlement system, which is compromised by a blockage in the appointment of appellate body members,” Azevedo said without directly referring to the US.

The US has blocked the appointment of judges at the DSB on the ground that the functioning of the appellate body needs to be reformed. About seven of the invitees will be represented at the Ministers’ level, while more than 30 invitees have assigned their political representatives to attend the meeting. Major WTO members including the US, the EU, China, Brazil, Australia, Russia, New Zealand and South Africa are among the over 50 members invited to the meet.