NITI Aayog on Monday released a white paper on a more responsive and citizen-friendly public health surveillance system which would have a better data-sharing mechanism between the Centre and States while ensuring individual privacy and confidentiality.

“The Covid-19 pandemic has provided us with an opportunity to revisit (re)-emerging diseases due to increased interaction between human-animal-environment. Early identification of this interference is essential to break the chain of transmissions and create a resilient surveillance system,” said an official statement.

The Vision 2035: Public Health Surveillance in India, authored jointly by experts from Niti Aayog and the University of Manitoba in Canada, envisions a public health system which will involve stakeholders at all levels, be it individual, community, health care facilities or laboratories, all while protecting the individual’s privacy and confidentiality.

The white paper was released by NITI Aayog Vice-chairman Rajiv Kumar, Member (Health) Vinod K Paul and others.

It envisages that in 2013, India’s public health surveillance will be predictive, responsive, integrated and tiered system of disease and health surveillance that is inclusive of prioritised, emerging and re-emerging communicable and non-communicable diseases and conditions.


Surveillance will be primarily based on de-identified (anonymised) individual-level patient information that emanates from health care facilities, laboratories and other sources. It will be governed by an adequately resourced effective administrative and technical structure and will ensure that it serves the public good, the statement said.

This vision document on India’s Public Health Surveillance by 2035 builds on opportunities that include the Ayushman Bharat scheme that establishes health and wellness centers at the community level — to strengthen non-communicable disease prevention, detection, and control and assures government payment for hospitalisation - to reduce out of pocket expenses of individuals and families at the bottom of the pyramid.