The Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, on Tuesday ruled out any roll-back in the prices of petrol, in his meeting with Members of Parliament (MPs) belonging to the Trinamool Congress (TMC). However, he is reported to have assured the MPs that diesel and LPG prices would not be raised.

TMC leader, Mr Sudip Bandhopadhyay, told reporters after the meeting that the Prime Minister said he was not aware of media reports of any move to hike diesel and LPG prices.

The TMC, the largest ally of the Congress in the United Progressive Alliance with 18 MPs, cut up with the ‘unilateral' decision to hike petrol prices, had warned of pulling out of the Government and had sought a meeting with Dr Singh.

Mr Bandhopadhyay said they made it clear to the Prime Minister that any further increase in prices would force the party to consider its ties with the UPA Government.

During the meeting, Dr Singh is reported to have explained the economic compulsions for the latest hike in petrol prices.

Mr Bandhopadhyay said his party also sought greater co-ordination among the various UPA allies.