Amid demands that the Jan Lokpal Bill be passed by August 30, the Parliamentary Committee going into the Lokpal Bill today said that “no time limit can be accurately specified” for giving the report except that the reference to the panel initially is for three months.

“No time limit can be accurately specified except that the reference to us initially is for three months,” Mr Abhishek Singhvi, who heads the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Law and Justice, told PTI.

Mr Singhvi, a Congress member of the Rajya Sabha and a senior advocate, steered clear of any reaction over the demands in connection with the Lokpal Bill.

“I do not wish to comment on views of others. All I can say it that this multi-party committee resembling a mini-Parliament will assiduously look into every aspect with a completely open mind,” he said.

The process includes invitation of diverse views in writing, examination of witness evidence and detailed confidential deliberations, he said.

Mr Singhvi declined to comment on Team Anna’s demand for early introduction of Jan Lokpal Bill in Parliament and their contention that the Government can get it passed in days if it has the will.

“This is a matter for the Government to decide and there is no question of my comment on it,” he said.

Anti-corruption crusader Mr Anna Hazare has set August 30 as the deadline for Parliament to pass the bill.

Soon after the bill was introduced in Lok Sabha on August 4, the Rajya Sabha Chairman has referred it to the committee and given it three months to give its recommendations.