Top income tax department officials’ from across the country will congregate in the capital on Monday to deliberate strategies for providing a non-adversarial tax regime, among other things.

At the two-day annual conference of chief commissioners and directors general of income tax, the participants are also expected to devise strategies for “significant expansion of tax base”.

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley—who has been promising a non-adversarial tax regime—will inaugurate this conference.

Expeditious settlement of taxpayer grievances’ and matters pertaining to income tax investigations will also come up for discussion at the conference, said a statement issued by the Finance Ministry ahead of the two-day meeting.

The conference will provide an opportunity to senior officers of the income tax department to brainstorm and firm-up their approach in regard to priority concerns of the department.

They would share their expertise and domain knowledge and learn from each others’ experiences to better achieve the department’s objective of providing quality tax payer services in a non-adversarial manner.

The environment so created is expected to remove barriers to compliance and lead to significant increase in the number of taxpayers over the year, the Finance Ministry statement said.

The Centre has pegged the income tax collections target for 2015-16 at Rs 7,97,995 crore, which is 14.66 per cent higher over the actual collections of Rs 6,95,988 crore.

At the two-day conference, strategies for revenue augmentation through advance tax, TDS collections, regular assessment tax collections, self assessment tax and dividend distribution tax will also be discussed.