US President, Barack Obama, has formally invited Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, to visit Washington in September.

US Deputy Secretary of State, William Burns, delivered a letter from Obama to Modi today.

In the letter, Obama has reiterated his invitation and intention to work closely for making India-US relations a defining partnership for the 21st Century. While thanking US, Modi said that he is looking forward to a result-oriented visit with concrete outcomes that impart new momentum and energy to India-US partnership.

The Prime Minister is of the view that re-energising the partnership between India and the United States would send an important message to the region and beyond.

Articulating his vision for India-US relations, he stated that the relationship between the world's oldest and largest democracies should not only be for the benefit of the two countries, but should emerge as a powerful force of good for peace, stability and prosperity in the world.

Burns conveyed Obama's desire to strengthen economic relations, including in next-generation technologies and manufacturing sector; cooperate in enhancing energy security; deepen security cooperation, including in maritime security, counter-terrorism and intelligence exchange; expand consultation and coordination on Afghanistan; and, work more broadly for security and prosperity in Asia.

Modi recalled Obama's telephone call soon after the election and expressed his appreciation for President Obama's detailed and thoughtful letter. He saw immense opportunities for deepening cooperation across the full spectrum of the relationship and laid special emphasis on involving youth in creating new avenues of promoting cooperation between the two countries.